Healthy Heroes
Healthy Heroes 24-25!
Our Mission Statement:
Our purpose is to encourage and promote awareness of how to lead a healthy lifestyle.
Our Aims:
- To encourage healthy eating and drinking choices.
- To encourage and promote physical participation during playtimes (sports ambassadors)
- To continue share ideas and strategies, linked to Mental and Emotional Health.
- To continue to be a part of the Super Ambassadors Scheme, ensuring that children’s rights are promoted in our school.
- To lead local and National initiatives and events in our school, linked to Health & Well-being.
Meeting Notes:
26.09.24: Meeting 1
- Welcome to Healthy Heroes! Children were put into working groups. Discussion about our aims for the year. Children recorded ideas as a group on the following: nutrition, physical, emotional.
- Chair, Vice Chair, Secretary and Super Ambassador Representatives voted in.
10.10.24: Meeting 2
Today’s Focus: 1. World Mental Health Day. 2. Super Ambassador Monthly Mission. 3. My Voice Matters Box.
- 1. Discussed WMHD theme ‘prioritising mental health in the workplace’. Year 5 & 6 children made little treat bags for staff. Inside we put a teabag, mini chocolate bar, sweet and a positive message. We went around and gave them out to staff at breaktime. Year 1 & 2 children made posters for World Mental Health Day, which will be displayed in classrooms and corridors.
- 2. Super Ambassador representatives met with Miss. Fowler and went through their welcome pack. They also discussed October’s Monthly Mission (smart phones in school) and made a poster for each class which included a QR code and link for all classes to complete a survey. They visited each class to tell them about the survey.
- 3. Discussed the use of our ‘My Voice Matters’ Boxes and decided they aren’t being used. Year 3 & 4 children made question sheets for each class to display above their My Voice Matters Boxes. This term's question is: If you could change one thing about your classroom, what would it be?
24.10.24: Meeting 3
Today’s Focus: 1. Anti-Bullying Week 2. Odd Socks Day
- 1. Discussed this year's anti-bullying theme ‘Choose respect’. Year 3,4 and 5 met with Miss Fowler who gave each child a speaking part for our anti-bullying assembly on Monday, November 11th. Children practised assembly together.
- 2. Discussed odd socks day and drafted a letter to parents together then emailed via Schoop. Reception, Year 1 and 2 children designed their own odd socks and made posters.
11.11.24: Anti-Bullying Assembly
- Healthy Heroes (Yrs 3-6) delivered a whole school assembly to introduce Anti-bullying week.
- They presented the assembly via teams. In the assembly they spoke about this year’s theme ‘choose respect’ and discussed ways we can show respect in school.