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As part if our school’s Erasmus European project, this week the Year 2 children have been focusing on emotions and self-regulation. We read lots of fantastic stories, which helped us to think about the way various emotions affect us. We discussed times when we felt delighted, anxious, frustrated, scared and so on. We then talked about colours that link to these emotions, and decided that blue is a sad colour, yellow is happy and green is calm. We then focused on emotions that we find difficult to deal with and talked about ways that we can self-regulate. The children were then set a challenge of creating their own self-regulation tool, which they can use to help them cope when they feel angry, scared, upset and so on. Some children made self-regulation strategy cards and envelopes, whilst others chose to make spinners. We really enjoyed the activities, and are keen to use our emotion tools. We will share our work with our European partner schools this term.

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