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Today the Year 2 children visited St. Fagan’s as part of our learning about the topic ‘Take a Trip in a Time Machine’. We began by visiting Y Maestr school, where we learned about how school used to be over a hundred years ago. The children were very shocked by the punishments used, and how different the classrooms were. They decided that school nowadays is definitely better! We then had a walk around the village, stopping off at Gwalia stores and Y Siop Losin, where the children enjoyed being treated to some traditional sweets which they could take home as a memento of the day. We then went to visit Beti Bwt, who asked us to help her wash a huge pair of bloomers! The children enjoyed having hands-on experience of what washday used to be like a long time ago. They decided it was very hard work, and are thankful that we now have washing machines that do the hard work for us! We then had a look around the farm, where we saw pigs, chickens and sheep. The children were very excited to see some lambs that were only a few days old! We then had a look at houses throughout time. The children couldn’t believe that people used to use chamber pots, tin baths and how some toilets used to be in the back garden! Finally, it was time for lunch. The children certainly worked up an appetite with all the walking. I’m sure they will all sleep well tonight… and so will the staff! What a fantastic, informative and fun-filled day we had.

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