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[sorry blog is late, only now sat down – photo overload) Today has been a mega busy day… started with a fully cooked breakfast, a trip to Mill Wood, den building, team building games, lighting fires, making and baking bread, cutting wood and calving sticks to make wands!
We came back to the center in enough time to fit in our daily mile run before sitting down to tea. Children then settled down to watch a film with jammmas, cwtched in their quilts. Today has been such a bonding time where we’ve shared many a joke and a million laughs.
Tomorrow we are absailing and rock climbing.

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  1. Brilliant! Looks so much fun. Keep smiling, Libs and keep getting muddy! Bet you will have so many stories to tell when you get home! We can’t wait. ?

  2. Well what a fantastic day you’ve all had I must say I’m envious well done everyone good luck for tomorrow x

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