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Thank you for letting us take your amazing children away on a residential. We have laughed so much this week. They are hilarious, kind, clever and well mannered beings. We are SO PROUD of them all. They tried new foods, new activities and were challenged to do things that sometimes pushed them out of their comfort zones. I’m sure they will sleep very well tonight (I know that the staff will)


  1. Thank you all so much for looking after Chloe and all the children. They will all have amazing memories.

    She has had an amazing time and it is lovely hearing about all your adventures!

    1. Thank you all for looking after Niamh this week. She has had a wonderful time and really enjoyed the experience. She will definitely sleep tonight.

  2. Thank you to you all who gave up your week to take them. Harry has had a fantastic time. He hasn’t stopped talking about it! Have a good weekend xx

  3. Rebekah really enjoyed. Thank you so much for looking after them and giving up your week to do so.

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