The nursery class joined the reception children today and enjoyed a wonderful ‘Superworm Wednesday’. First of all Mrs Griffiths read a story about Superworm, the wriggly superhero. Then the children made some lovely long worms out of sticklebricks and lego. They threaded beads with Mrs Burder to see who could make the longest worm and played a Superworm board game with Mrs Coleman. They threaded pipe cleaner worms and looked for worms in the sand.  The children then made a delicious edible mud pie and of course they had to make some superhero pants!   All together now, “Superworm is super long! Superworm is super strong! See him wriggle, watch him squirm. Hip hip hooray for Superworm!

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1 comment

  1. Thanks to all of you for filling the children’s time at school with fun, laughter, and something new each day! xx

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