Year 2’s Virtual Visit to St. Fagan’s!

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Sadly, we have not been able to go on any school trips this year due to Covid19 restrictions. We were hoping to visit St. Fagan’s to learn about how houses and homes have changed over time…but if we couldn’t go to St. Fagan’s, St. Fagan’s would have to come to us!!!! This morning the Year 2 children had a fantastic virtual visit, where they learned all about washday long ago. They looked at lots of artefacts and compared the changes over time. The boys and girls had a fantastic time, and learned so much. They answered lots of questions enthusiastically, showing an excellent understanding. We all came to the agreement that we are thankful that technology had made washing our clothes MUCH easier! A huge thank you to St. Fagan’s for a fantastic virtual visit. We are very grateful and cannot wait to visit in the future when we are able to.

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