Yesterday the Year 2 children received a very important letter from Santa. We were asked to help him because they have had a power cut in the North Pole and the elves can’t continue making toys as they cannot see what they are doing! Santa set us the challenge of finding him a suitable candle which would allow the elves to continue making toys. The children decided they should begin by finding out which candles are available, so they used their research skills and looked into which types of candles we could use. They then did some fantastic problem solving using a candle catalogue, and showed super addition, subtraction and multiplication skills with money. The children then decided that they should test out some candles to see which one would burn the longest to allow they elves to work for as long ad possible. They set Mrs. Cusack the task of collecting the equipment that they want to use, and today they will be undertaking their experiment. We will then email Santa to let him know which candle we will send to him via our class elf. Watch this space for updates!

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